Ewa Sudoł, Ph.D.
Building Research Institute (ITB)
She graduated from the Faculty of Civil and Sanitary Engineering at Lublin University of Technology. She received her doctoral degree in technical sciences in 2012 from the Building Research Institute, where she has been working for 20 years. Since 2016 the Head of the Department of Building Materials Engineering and the Building Materials Laboratory. Expert in the field of resistance of construction products to operating factors. She specializes in performance property changes and evaluation under the influence of environmental impacts using methods of artificial aging of building components, their durability, and predictive measures. The author of many reports and technical opinions, and guides. Author and co-author of scientific and popular science publications. She has been involved and associated with the insulation industry for several years. Her current research focuses on the susceptibility of non-standard ETICS solutions to environmental factors, including microorganisms.
Dana Bellušová graduated from the Slovak Technical University. She works at the Building Testing and Research Institute (TSUS) in Bratislava in the field of technical assessment of construction products – ETICS. Furthermore she represents the Slovak Republic in EOTA in the position of a member of the Executive Board, the Technical Board and the convenor of the Working Group for EAD 040083-00-0404/EAD 040083-01-0404 entitled ‘External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) with Renderings’.
“Resistance of thin-coat renders to microorganisms”
The presentation will outline the problem of resistance of building materials to biological corrosion, with a focus on the susceptibility of thin-coat renders to algae. The circumstances conducive to the development of microorganisms on facades will be presented. Principles of microbiological research will be discussed, including microbial culture, sample preparation and preconditioning including aging techniques, exposure to microorganisms and interpretation of test data. The results of own research will be presented, in terms of both the susceptibility of plaster to algal growth and the effectiveness of algae control agents.